Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tera Online - Avatar Weapon Guide

Isren's Relic
Weapon Level 20 ( Tier 4)
Pieces needed to craft: 10 Pieces

Possible drop location: Oblivion Woods, Valley of Titans, Tuwangi Mire, Celestial Hills, Bastion of Lok, Cliffs of Insanity, Vale of the Fang, Paraanon Ravine

Elinu's Relic
Weapon Level 26 (Tier 5)
Pieces needed to craft: 8 Pieces

Possible drop location: Celestial Hills, Bastion of Lok, Cliffs of Insanity, Vale of the Fang, Paraanon Ravine, Freeholds, Tenebrous Mines, Basilisk Crag, Sinestral Manor, Ascension Valley, Jagged Coast, Mistmoor Island

Tithus's Relic
Weapon Level 32 (Tier 6)
Pieces needed to craft: 14 Pieces

Possible drop locations: Vale of the Fang, Paraanon Ravine, Freeholds, Tenebrous Mines, Basilisk Crag, Sinestral Manor, Ascension Valley, Jagged Coast, Mistmoor Island, Eldritch Academy Grounds, Lake of Tears, Colossal Ruins, Aurum Road, Dark Cathedral, Cultist's Refuge

Amarun's Relic
Weapon Level 38 (Tier 7)
Pieces needed to craft: 36 Pieces

Possible drop locations: Eldritch Academy Grounds, Lake of Tears, Colossal Ruins, Aurum Road, Dark Cathedral, Cultists' Refuge, Blessing Basin, Essenian Crest, Blightwood, Timeless Woods, Tempest Reach, Mount Tyrannas, Citadel of Torment, Frost Reach, Necromancer Tomb

Zuras's Relic
Weapon Level 44 (Tier 8)
Pieces needed to craft: 22 Pieces

Possible drop locations: Blessing Basin, Essenian Crest, Blightwood, Timeless Woods, Tempest Reach, Mount Tyrannas, Citadel of Torment, Frost Reach, Necromancer Tomb, Arachnaea, Quarantine Zone, Feral valley, Temple of Dagon, Fyrmount, Hungry Caverns, Serpentis Isle, Akasha's Hideout, Akasha's Hideout (Hard), Golden Labyrinth

Gidd's Relic
Weapon Level 50 (Tier 10)
Pieces needed to craft: 54 Pieces

Possible drop locations: Arachnaea, Quarantine Zone, Feral Valley, Temple of Dagon, Fyrmount, Hungry Caverns, Serpentis Isle, Akasha's Hideout (Hard), Seeliewood, Darkquaver Woods, Susurrus Woods, Amena Quatla, Golden Labyrinth, Wyrmgorge, Crypt of the Forsaken, Sienna Canyon, Saleron's Sky Garden, Tor Exsul

Karas's Relic
Weapon Level 56 (Tier 11)
Pieces needed to craft: 30 Pieces

Possible drop locations: Seeliewood, Darkquaver Woods, Susurrus Woods, Amena Quatla, Kelsaik's Nest Kelsaik's Nest (Hard), Wyrngorge, Crypt of the Forsaken, Sienna Canyon, Saleron's Sky Garden, Tor Exsul, Ebon Tower, Ebon Tower (Hard), Vale of Spires, Plain of the Damned, Suryati's Peak, Ascent of Saravash, Thrallhold, Three Towers, Tirikai Forest, Balder's Refuge, Khanovar Front, Argonea, Granarkus, Labyrinth of Terror, Labyrinth of Terror (Hard), Sigil Adstringo


  1. Required number of relic pieces to craft have been updated/changed.

    Amarun's Relic now requires 19 pieces, instead of 36 pieces to craft.
    Gidd's Relic 21 pieces, instead of 38 pieces.
    Kara's Relc 17 pieces, instead of 30 pieces. (lvl 55)
    Dagon's Relic 13 pieces, instead of 20 pieces. (lvl 58)
    Ishara ...???... (lvl 60)
    Oriyn ...???... (lvl 62)

    have fun

  2. Thanks, this guide not updated yet......gonna update it in 3-4 more days, kinda busy with work right now.....so sorry :)

  3. relics can also be found here:
    Westonia->Tempest Reach ->Icefang Inlet
