Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tera Online 101 - Beginner's Tips

Sometimes, a little thing can make your life easier. Know it and you can have easier life in Tera.
  • If you run out of teleport scroll, use "Unstuck" feature to return to closest town aka free town portal.
  • In party, you can use page up to roll on loot, and page down to pass. You still can use this method to roll eventhough you died.
  • If you doing gathering quest, instead of searching or waiting, you can change channel.
  • Always gathering essence, ore and plant. Those can give you buffs, stackable 3 times.
  • Instead of using Pegasus to fly from city to city, town to town, use town city's scrolls. It's faster than Pegasus.
  • You can buy all town scrolls from main city. For example, all Velika's town scrolls can be bought from merchant at Velika City. it is same with Allementhia and Kaiator. Stocking them in Bank can ease you in future.
  • Tired of running to dungeon entrance? Go to Specialty Store and buy dungeon's scroll.
  • Got quest and don't know where to go? Click your quest using pointer and click to the clickable name.
  • Back to town and wanna go again to previous Outpust? Use teleport master in town.
  • If you control+left click a point on the map while zoomed in you’ll create a Point of Interest that your friends or party can check. It’ll mark a spot on the map.
  • Use regen crystals when leveling. Brilliant crystal for MP regen and Vigorous crystal for HP regen. You'll never need to stop for regen.
  • Don't have enough fingers to use skills? Chain your skills and you need less finger to use.
  • When you die and ressurect back in town, be sure to use the cleric of restoration to restore your mana. using potion is expensive. Waiting cosume time.
  • You can swap your crystal under the equipment screen. The numbers 1-5 right below your armor saves the state of your equipment.
  • You can adjust the font size for the quest tracker alone, so all 7 maximum quests easily fit on your UI.
  • You cannot die from falling. Even from very high falls, you will hit the ground with 1 HP. So, don't worry to jump. They changed it, you will die for sure if the you drop high enough.

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