Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tera Online Power Leveling - FAST to MAX!

Prerequisite to use this guide:

  • You must be healer or tanker ( Lancer or tanking warrior ). Or if you damage dealer, find a healer or tanker to accompany you when queue Instance Matching. Reason: Damage dealer will have difficulty to instance matching alone.
  • You must have updated weapon and armors.
  • Glyph and crystal.
  • Charms

Level 1 - 20
Do Story Quest and Yellow Quest until level 20.

Level 20 - 26
Spam Bastion of Lok (BoL). There are 2 ways to run BoL:
  1. Create your own group.
  2. Party with tanker (Lancer or Warrior) and queue for Instance Matching (IM). Remember to queue warrior as tanker when  IM.
Send repeatable quests after you hit level 26 or when it is full.

Level 26 - 32
Spam Sinestral Manor (SM). Do it like you run BoL. Before you reach 32, do your Story Quests.

Level 32 - 35
Do Story Quest and Yellow Quest at Chebika, Pora Elinu and Tulufan. Ignore BAMs quests if you are alone.

Level 35 - 42
Spam Cultist Refugees (CR). Do it like you run BoL and SM. Before you reach 42, do your Story Quests.

Level 42 - 48
Spam Necromancer Tomb (NT). Just like above. Before you reach 48, do your Story Quests.

Level 48 - 54
2 ways to do this:

  1. Spam Golden Labyrinth (GL). Before you reach 54, do your Story Quests. OR
  2. Grind the Devans in Dragonfall. Located at southeast of Dragonfall. Look map below.

Level 54 - 58
There are 2 ways at this level.
  1. Spam Saleron Sky Garden (SSG). Same step as previous dungeon. One thing different about SSG than previous dungeons are, you can party with level 60 to make the run faster. OR
  2. Go to Dragonfall and head to southeast of Dragonfall. Kill elite mobs there, Mystic Tyrant and 2 Bodyguards. Respawn in a couple of minute.

Level 58 - 60
Start doing Story Quest in Kanstria, Pathfinder Post and Zulfikar Fortress.

How to MORE Power Leveling?

  • Always use EXP boost (30%, 50% or 100%). You can get it from the achievement box or buy it from Brokerage.
  • Tera Club. You get 100% EXP for 1 hour every day. 
  • Always do Daily Quest from Corsairs' Stronghold (CS) and Kumasylum. Send the quest when you are going to sleep or before reset. 

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